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On the Rocks

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A collection of 3 films on rock art:


USA, Art in the age of dinosaurs?
A film by Jean-Luc Bouvret et François-Xavier Vives
(52 min. / 2014)


With investigators Paul Bahn and Jean-Loïc Le Quellec, two internationally renowned archaeologists, we set out across the American West in the footsteps of its first occupants. This is an unprecedented exploration of the longest rock art galleries in the world, containing several thousand paintings and mysterious engravings, among which we believe to recognize the silhouettes of Martians or prehistoric animals!
Proof that humans and dinosaurs were able to coexist? Between “evolutionists” and “creationists”, the debates are lively. But the Hopi Indians, former inhabitants of the region, will join in the dance…



Brazil, First Colors of the Americas
A film by Laurent Ramamonjiarisoa
(52 min. / 2015)


In the heart of the Serra de Capivara National Park, in northeastern Brazil, stands an impressive cliff about seventy meters wide and twenty meters high. We call it the “Pedra Furada”, the pierced stone, now famous all over the world: this site is said to contain the oldest rock paintings of all the American continent!
By deciphering this veritable South American “Rosetta Stone”, our two internationally renowned archaeologists Paul Bahn and Jean-Loïc Le Quellec invite us on a fabulous journey through time: what can these paintings of the first inhabitants of France tell us America?



Huashan, the Painted Mountain
A film by François-Xavier Vives
(52 min. / 2016)


In southwest China, in the province of Guangxi, our two investigators Paul Bahn and Jean-Loïc Le Quellec contemplate the immense rock face of the Huashan mountains overlooking the river. Through the mist, bright red figures stand out against the greyness of the rocks. Here they are warriors wielding swords; there, musicians drawn by the rhythm of the drum. In total, more than a thousand figures have been dancing above the void for thousands of years: what is the meaning of these brilliantly colored works, perched over a hundred meters in height? And first, how could they paint them?


Films © 2014 Le Miroir – © 2015 & 2016 Le Miroir & Flair Production

More information

Available in DVD


Archeology, VOD (eng)

Jean-Luc Bouvret