DVD The collection that didn’t exist
Public price: 20,00 € DVD 1: THE COLLECTION THAT DIDN'T EXIST A film by Joachim Olender (93 min. / 2014) Herman Daled is an exceptional collector. His collection, acquired in 2011 by the MoMA in...
Public price: 20,00 € DVD 1: THE COLLECTION THAT DIDN'T EXIST A film by Joachim Olender (93 min. / 2014) Herman Daled is an exceptional collector. His collection, acquired in 2011 by the MoMA in...
Public price: 20,00 € Deep into sleep A film by Virgile Novarina (39 min. / 2016) A literary and philosophic exploration of the various states of sleep. Embark upon a dreamlike path to the...
Public price: 20,00 € Only in French! Available in VOD with English subtitles! Les Poètes sont encore vivants A film by Xavier Gayan (70 min. / 2016) A film about poets? And still alive? It...
Public price: 20,00 € Architectones by Xavier Veilhan A film by François Combin (70 min. / 2015) « What is the ultimate place where I would like to show my work?" Echoing his exhibition at...
Public price: 20,00 € Gilles Clément, Garden in motion A film by Olivier Comte (52 min. / 2013) This film traces the atypical path followed by Gilles Clément, gardener, landscape architect and author. With...
Public price: 20,00 € A co-publishing a.p.r.e.s éditions / MAC/VAL – Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne Ange Leccia – Logical Song A film by Gilles Coudert Produced by Gilles Coudert and Antonie Bergmeier (24 min....